How do I know which way my RAM chips should be facing when ... There's a notch near the middle (you can see it on the photo below) but slightly offset that matches the slot on the motherboard, to ensure that it only fits one way, Just line it up. Does it matter which dimm slot I use? | Yahoo Answers Does it matter which dimm slot I use? ... again, it doesn't matter where you put what. too verbose? :) winter · 1 decade ago . 0. Thumbs up. 0. Thumbs down. Report Abuse. Comment. Add a comment. Submit · just now. Shouldn't matter a bit. You can check the ram on your computer, if it's running 1256 (or close to it) then you are OK. Can you put different types of RAM on a motherboard? You cant mix differente speeds or types of ram. Sizes are ok to mix. Oh and you cant put in ram with a higher speed than your motherboard can handle, plus all computers have a maximum ram which ...
does it matter what slot i put my ram in? | Yahoo Answers
Does it matter which slots I have my RAM in? | Tom's Hardware ... Currently my RAM is in slot #4 and slot#2. If you don't have it overclocked or have any other important settings enabled, I would just do a standard BIOS clearing by unplugging the computer, removing the battery on the board (right above the video card slot in the middle), then holding down the power button for 1 minute, let the computer sit for a few more minutes, then put the battery back in ... Does it matter which slot you put an additional RAM card in ... Does it matter which slot you put an additional RAM card in? I recently upgraded the RAM in my computer. It contained two cards in slots 1 and 3 (Or 2 and 4 depending from which side you count). This left me with two slots to add more RAM. One slot was between the two occupied ones and one on the ...
Which slots do I place it? | Forum - Hardware Canucks
RAM install - Forums - CNET If it takes normal pc100 or pc133 RAM all you have to do is insert it into the slot next to your existing RAM and next time you start it, the computer should pick it up with plug and play, you ... Zenith Ram slot and 1950x CPU question. - Asus My question is does it matter in which slot I put them? Is there a sequence? I think not but trying to be sure. Also I tried to put them at 3200 MHz and the system wont boot up at all. How can I make them run at the advertised frequency? My 1950x Thread-ripper CPU is running over 50C temp on Kraken 62x. Is that normal?
That said, NO, it doesnt matter where you install the RAM as long as the motherboard manual says no. I have inserted 1 stick of RAM in all of my motherboards 4 slots and the computer booted fine EVERY time. In the response you read that tells you to use either 2 or four sticks of RAM, the idiot forgot to...
Does it matter which dimm slot I use? ... again, it doesn't matter where you put what. too verbose? :) winter · 1 decade ago . 0. Thumbs up. 0. Thumbs down. Report Abuse. Comment. Add a comment. Submit · just now. Shouldn't matter a bit. You can check the ram on your computer, if it's running 1256 (or close to it) then you are OK. How do I know which way my RAM chips should be facing when ...
What Do I Need to Know About Compatibility When Upgrading RAM?
While you will have more memory to use the addressing will be slower. If at all possible use the same sized SIMMs by the same manufacture (as some manufactures chips may not play together well) so you can use inter-leaved mode. When you have the same sized SIMM in each slot the faster inter-leaved mode is used. How do I know which way my RAM chips should be facing when ... There's a notch near the middle (you can see it on the photo below) but slightly offset that matches the slot on the motherboard, to ensure that it only fits one way, Just line it up.
Which DDR Memory to buy? - DDR Memory Upgrades this pages provides you useful information on the different types of DDR RAM available get info on which DDR RAM to buy?, Can you mix and match ECC and non-parity modules? Can DDR RAM and SDRAM be used in the same system at the same time? Does it matter which slots I plug my new module in? also offers DDR SDRAM Memory Upgrade and Installation Information for PC2100 ddr memory, PC2700 ddr ... What Does the RAM Slot Color Coding on Motherboards Mean?